• The Evening Visits....And Stays For Years



    Apartments - The Evening Visits....And Stay... LP
    out-of-stock $27 80s
    Track Listing
    1. A1 Sunset Hotel
    2. A2 Mr. Somewhere
    3. A3 What's The Morning For?
    4. A4 All The Birthdays
    5. A5 Great Fool
    6. B1 Speechless With Tuesday
    7. B2 Cannot Tell The Days Apart
    8. B3 Lazarus, Lazarus
    9. B4 The Black Road Shines
    10. C1 Help
    11. C2 Nobody Like You
    12. C3 Refugee
    13. C4 All You Wanted
    14. C5 Fever Elsewhere
    15. D1 Sunset Hotel (Demo)
    16. D2 What's the Morning For? (Demo)
    17. D3 All The Birthdays (Demo)
    18. D4 Great Fool (Demo)
    19. D5 The Black Road Shines (Demo)

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